Monday, July 28, 2008


Friday is the day. Sarah is going in to be induced on Friday, August 1. The process is to call the hospital at 7:00 am on Friday and if there is space available we go in. If they're busy we call back at 10:00 and so on. We have learned that this whole process is a waiting game so that is what we're prepared to do. They'll start the inducing process and then we wait some more. No one knows how long it will take. After nine months and the last 6 weeks on bed rest, we are excited to be going to the hospital for the birth of our baby and not just monitoring. This last week has been filled with final preparations in the nursery. Thanks for all your help Nancy and Barbara. We look forward to Lois coming in town on Thursday evening and being with us throughout this process and for Ron and Edyie to come back from Arizona just in time. We really wish everyone could be here. We're nervous and excited but most of all we can't wait to meet our son!

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